ID |
1) VIDEO |
1 |
So, You're a Floodplain Manager? |
Short video summarizing roles and responsibilities of local floodplain managers. |
IDWR 2017 |
2a |
Who Do I Contact For...?
Flood Control Districts
Floodplain Management
Dam Safety Program
(pdf, 500 KB)
Key state agency contacts that are involved in floodplain management:
IDWR 2022 |
2b |
Duties of a Local Floodplain Administrator
(pdf, 292 KB)
A summary of your roles and responsibilities as the floodplain manager for your community or county. |
STARR 2013 |
2c |
Frequently Used NFIP Acronyms and Abbreviations
(pdf, 46 KB)
A list of acronyms typically used by floodplain management professionals. |
FEMA 2020 |
3a |
Recommended Training |
A list of currently available floodplain administrator training |
IDWR 2022 |
3b |
How to Read a Flood Insurance Rate Map Tutorial |
This tutorial educates users on the use and application of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) produced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Each component of the FIRM is explored. The tutorial includes a section that contains examples of how to get specific information from FIRMs. |
FEMA 2003 |
3c |
Summary of NFIP Policy for Local Officials (FEMA Region X)
(pdf, 10.0 MB)
A summary of NFIP policy to assist local governments in their floodplain management programs. |
FEMA 2005 |
3d |
Building Public Support for Floodplain Management
(pdf, 4.89 MB)
A guidebook to help the local floodplain officials gain support from the public, including practices and approaches. |
ASFPM 2010 |
3e |
Increased Cost of Compliance Coverage − Guidance for State and Local Officials (FEMA 301)
(pdf, 2.9 MB)
A quick-reference tool providing guidance to local officials on Increased Cost of Compliance Coverage under the NFIP and how it relates to your community’s administration of floodplain management laws or ordinances. |
FEMA 2003 |
4a |
Idaho Model Ordinance
(pdf 19.1 MB)
This is an example Floodplain Ordinance that includes State and National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) minimum standards. Communities should use this as a guide when establishing local standards. |
IDWR 2020 |
4b |
Community Rating System (CRS) Coordinators Manual
(42.6 MB)
FEMA Region X higher regulatory standards for floodplain management, with examples. |
FEMA 2017 |
5a |
Example Floodplain Permit Application For All Development in a SFHA
(docx, 168 KB)
Application for all development in a SFHA. |
5bi |
Elevation Certificate for Structural Development |
Fillable FEMA Elevation Certificate and Instructions. |
IDWR 2022 |
5bii |
Floodproofing Certificate for Non-Residential Structures
(pdf, 215 KB)
Requirements and Certification
Use this for non-residential structures which can be floodproofed instead of elevated. |
FEMA 2020 |
5c |
No-Rise Certification |
Procedures for No-Rise Certification for Proposed Developments in the Regulatory Floodway. |
FEMA 2020 |
5d |
Change a Flood Zone Designation - Online Letter of Map Change |
Link to FEMA's Online Letter of Map Change web application intended for homeowners and other interested parties that wish to submit the application online instead of using the paper form method. |
FEMA 2020 |
5e |
LOMA - Out as Shown Instructions |
Explanation and instructions for requesting Out as Shown. |
FEMA 2020 |
5f |
eLOMA Factsheet
(pdf, 243 KB)
eLOMA Factsheet describing quick and easy online process to submit selected LOMA requests for lots or structures with no fill by licensed surveyors or engineers or other FEMA permitted certified professionals. |
FEMA 2015 |
5g |
MT-EZ - Single Residential Structure or Lot Amendments to NFIP Maps (Not Built on Fill) |
Web link providing forms and instructions for single residential structure or lot amendments to NFIP Maps (not built on fill). |
FEMA 2021 |
5h |
MT-1: Conditional and Final LOMAs and LOMR -F (for Single or Multiple Lots/Structures) |
Web link to forms and instructions to request changes for multiple lots or structures, for proposed structures, and for map changes based on fill. |
FEMA 2021 |
5i |
MT-2: Conditional Letters of Map Revision (CLOMR), LOMRs, and Physical Map Requests |
The web page provides a series of 12 forms and instructions for LOMR application submitted through the mail. The page is intended for home and property owners and community officials who wish to submit a MT-2 application via paper form. |
FEMA 2021 |
6a |
CFR 44, Subchapter B, Part 60 - Criteria for Land Management and Use |
Code of Federal Regulations regarding floodplain management regulations for NFIP. |
Online 2022 |
6b |
USACE Regulatory Permits - Clean Water Act (Section 404) and Rivers and Harbors Act (Section 10) Permits (USACE) |
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District administers the Regulatory Program in the State of Idaho under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. Under these laws, a permit is required for most construction activities in waterways and wetlands. These include navigable waters, waterways, shorelines, wetlands, most perennial and intermittent rivers and streams, natural and man-made lakes and ponds, as well as irrigation, drainage canals and ditches that are tributaries to other waters located within the State of Idaho. Web link provides additional information about applying for a permit. |
USACE 2022 |
6c |
Stream Channel Alterations Permits (IDWR) |
The Idaho Stream Channel Protection Act requires that the stream channels of the state and their environment be protected against alteration for the protection of fish and wildlife habitat, aquatic life, recreation, aesthetic beauty, and water quality. This means IDWR must approve in advance any work being done within the beds and banks of a continuously flowing stream. |
IDWR 2021 |
6d |
Joint Application for Permit (USACE, IDWR, IDL) |
The Department of Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR), and Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) has established a joint process for activities impacting jurisdictional waterways that require review and/or approval of both the Corps and the State of Idaho. The web link contains information about this process including application forms. |
USACE 2022 |
7a |
No Adverse Impact Toolkit |
A toolkit for common sense 'no adverse impact' floodplain management, meaning actions of one property owner are not allowed to adversely impact the right of other property owners. |
ASFPM 2022 |
7b |
NFIP Community Rating System |
The NFIP’s Community Rating System (CRS) recognizes community efforts beyond those minimum standards by reducing flood insurance premiums for the community’s property owners. |
FEMA 2022 |
7c |
HUD Funded Projects |
HUD Floodplain Management guidance regarding HUD-funded projects in the floodplain, includes process description and checklist. |
HUD 2020 |
7d |
Transportation Projects - Roadway Design Manual
(pdf, 23.3 MB)
References key documents that govern floodplain encroachment and deverlopment of transportation projects for the Idaho Transportation Department |
ITD 2013 |
8a |
How Do I Find Current Flood Insurance Rate Maps? |
Instructions on how to find current FIRMs on the FEMA Flood Map Service Center. The FEMA Flood Map Service Center provides SFHA and community FIRMs. |
FEMA 2022 |
8b |
IDWR Flood Hazard Mapping Tool |
The online Idaho Flood Hazard Mapping Tool can be used to determine if a structure or parcel is located within the SFHA. IDWR has geo-referenced local communities' FIRMs that overlay imagery base layers. |
IDWR 2022 |
8c |
FEMA's Flood Map Service Center- Accessing the National Flood Hazard Layer Metadata |
The FEMA Flood Map Service Center provides GIS metadata that includes the SFHA zones, BFEs, updated LOMA, LOMR, and LOMR-F information. Instructions for retrieving data can be found in the PDF file provided. |
FEMA 2022 |
8d |
Idaho Risk MAP Program |
Link to documents relevant to Idaho's Risk MAP program. Risk MAP is a risk reduction program that delivers quality data to the right people at the right time to increase public awareness and lead to actions that reduce risk to life and property. |
IOEM 2022 |
9a |
State Hazard Mitigation Plan (SHMP) |
Identifies hazards, analyzes risks and vulnerabilities, determine potential losses, and develops mitigation strategies to reduce impacts, including flood hazards. |
IOEM 2018, amended 2022 |
9b |
Local Mitigation Planning Handbook
(8.8 MB)
FEMA's guide for developing local hazard mitigation plans (HMPs). Local mitigation plans include the same information as the SHMP at the local level, identify policies and risk reduction actions, build partnerships, increase awareness, and are tools for officials. |
FEMA 2013 |
9c |
Idaho Multi-Hazard Risk Portfolio
(pdf, 51.4 MB)
A tool designed to evaluate the risk of flood, wildfire, and seismic activity to life and property for 84 Idaho watersheds. |
IOEM 2015 |
9d |
Idaho Hazardous Materials/ WMD Incident Command and Response Support Plan |
Idaho's implementation plan during an incident involving hazardous chemicals, biological agents, or explosive devices or radioactive material. |
IOEM 2013 |
9e |
USGS Flood Inundation Mapper |
USGS online flood inundation map library and GIS mapper program showing where flooding may occur over a range of water levels in the |
USGS, continuously updated |
10a |
The State of Idaho's County & Tribal Emergency Coordinators |
A listing of Idaho's county and Tribal emergency managers and their contact information. County/Tribe emergency managers mitigate, plan, train, exercise, and coordinate emergency operations for local events. IBHS Area Field Officers interact with emergency managers for situational awareness and assistance. |
IBHS Oct 2015 |
10b |
State of Idaho Flood Damage Assessment Packet
(pdf, 1.37 MB)
This packet provides the appropriate steps following a flood. Also included is information about substantial damage determinations, FEMA's substantial damage estimator, sample letters and mitigation program available. |
IOEM 2014 |
10c |
Idaho Emergency Operations Plan
(pdf, 4.1 MB)
The Idaho Emergency Operations Plan is an all-discipline, all-hazards plan that establishes a single, comprehensive framework for the management of domestic incidents and structure and mechanism for coordination of state support to local, state, and tribal incident managers. |
IOEM 2017 |
10d |
NRCS Emergency Watershed Protection Program -Idaho Recovery Plan and Resource Guide
Emergency Watershed Protection Program Fact Sheet
(pdf, 1.4 MB)
The Idaho Recovery Plan outlines NRCS actions and process for implementation of the Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) program in Idaho. |
NRCS 2021 |
The objective of the EWP Program is to assist in relieving imminent hazards to life and property from floods, fires and other natural disasters that cause sudden watershed impairment. |
10e |
Strategies to Establish Flood Frequencies Associated with Flood Event High Water Marks
(pdf, 5.07 MB)
Report describing best practices using high water marks to develop flood frequencies associated with documented flood events. |
ASFPM 2014 |
11a |
USACE National Levee Database |
A dynamic database, developed by USACE, that describes location and condition of levees. There are ongoing efforts to add levee data from Federal, States and Tribes. |
USACE 2022 |
11b |
USACE Levee System Evaluation for NFIP
(pdf, 130 KB)
USACE can provide assistance with levee certification under very limited circumstances. This factsheet provides some background. |
USACE 2010 |
11c |
USACE Levee Owners Manual for Non-Federal Flood Control Works |
A manual providing general guidance for operation and maintenance of a levee and types of assistance USACE can provide for flood response. |
USACE 2006 |
11d |
Meeting the Criteria for Accrediting Levee Systems on Flood Insurance Rate Maps
(pdf, 347 KB)
A fact sheet that explains the differences between levee certification and accreditation, and the flood insurance implications. |
FEMA 2021 |
11e |
Guidance for Flood Risk Analysis and Mapping
(pdf, 6.0 MB)
Outlines FEMA process to analyze and map areas on landward side of non-accredited levees systems that are shown ob NFIPs. |
FEMA 2019 |
11f |
Living with Levees |
FEMA's Levee Outreach Toolkit is a web site with tools to assist communities with levee related outreach. The toolkit includes templates, flexible materials which local government officials and agencies can adapt and use to address flood risks behind levees and the flood insurance implications of levee status changes in their communities. |
FEMA 2022 |
11g |
So, You Live Behind a Levee!
(pdf, 1.84 MB)
What you should know to protect your home and loved ones from floods. |
American Society of Civil Engineers 2010 |
11h |
IDWR Dam Safety Program
Emergency Contact Information
(pdf, 152 KB)
Information about IDWR Dam Safety Program, including state contacts for more information. |
12 |
Federal Flood Risk Management Resources |
This website allows users to quickly discover federal resources relevant to their situation through two simple indicators: potential program applicant (WHO you are seeking assistance for), and key phrases related to the PHASE of the flood risk management cycle and the TYPE of assistance being requested. Two search interfaces are available. |
FEMA 2022 |
13a |
Interactive Forecast Map |
An interactive map that provides weather and hydrologic forecasts, watches & warnings, advisories, and current conditions. |
NOAA 2022 |
13b |
Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service |
Web-based suite of forecast products that display magnitude and uncertainty of flood or drought occurrence in advance. Graphical products are useful planning tools to enable users to make more informed decisions about risk-based policies and actions to mitigate dangers posed by floods and droughts. |
NOAA 2022 |
13c |
River Forecast Centers
Northwest River
Colorado Basin River |
Provides flood and water resources data for the Columbia River (all of Idaho except Bear River Basin) and Colorado River basins (encompasses Bear River Basin). Includes observed and forecast river conditions, peak flow information, flood and hydrologic outlooks. |
NOAA 2022 |
13d |
Precipitation Frequency Data Server |
Delivers NOAA precipitation frequency estimates for points across the United States (precipitation duration and recurrence interval information). |
NOAA 2022 |
13e |
USGS Current Water Data for the Nation - Daily Streamflow Conditions |
Allows users to view and download real-time streamflow information at stream gages across the U.S. Includes links to forecasts for stream gages. |
USGS 2022 |
13f |
Flood Alert Tools
Water Alert
Water Watch |
USGS Water Watch displays maps, graphs, and tables describing real-time, recent, and past streamflow conditions for the U.S. USGS Water Alert sends e-mail or text (SMS) messages when certain parameters, such as flow measured by a USGS stream gage, exceed user-definable thresholds. |
USGS 2022 |
13g |
Water and
Climate Center
– Water Supply
Forecasts |
Describes water supply information and reports
available from the Natural Resources Conservation
Service and where to find them. |
USDA 2022 |
14 |
Idaho Flood History
(pdf, 34.6 MB)
General information on flooding types and history of flooding in Idaho |
2011 |