Silver Jackets: Many Partners, One team


Many Partners, One Team


2021 FEMA Region VII CRS Symposium

Building Partnerships for Advancing CRS in Region VII

March 17, 2021



FEMA Region VII’s 2021 CRS Symposium discussed new national and regional programs, trends, and processes in support of the Community Rating System (CRS); including opportunities to advance the CRS program within your communities, and provided information on CRS nationally and locally to help advance flood hazard mitigation and CRS credits for our local communities.  


The objective of the annual CRS Symposium was to bring FEMA Region VII CRS Communities together to look into the future, grow community capability, and encourage the implementation of advanced concepts in Hazard Mitigation by providing relevant and visionary information, tools, techniques, practices, and resources that foster community resiliency through partnerships and action in the CRS program and beyond. 

This was achieved by 

  • Identifying and improving on the best practices of flood hazard mitigation
  • Identifying, improving, and build partnerships for advancing mitigation locally 
  • Informing CRS communities of current and anticipated trends in climate, community, and programmatic transformation for application locally
  • Encourage action to achieve resilience and hazard mitigation through the CRS program and beyond


8:30 a.m.

Session 1

  • Welcoming Remarks
    • Todd Tucker/Erin Cobb/Cathi Sanders/Bill Lesser, FEMA
    • Live presentation
  • 2021 Climate Outlook, Historical and Future Trends 
  • NFIP Transformation (Risk Rating 2.0), ISCAA/Routine Use Agreements, Trends in the Region
  • CRS Trends, Training, Credit Opportunities

Session 2

  • CRS and GIS in KS and Beyond
  • CRS Natural Functions of Floodplains
  • CRS Activity 510 Floodplain Management Planning and USACE Silver Jackets

Session 3

  • Resource Conservation
  • BRIC and Mitigation Opportunities
  • CRS Task Force Update
    • Tom Morey, STANTEC
    • Live Presentation Video
    • Descriptive Transcript
    • CRS Next - Looking Forward, 2021 and Beyond
      • Bill Lesser, FEMA HQ
  • CRS on Compassion: Flood Mitigation Champions, Networks, and ‘Soft Skills’ 
  • Closing Remarks
    • Bill/Cathi/Erin/Todd

Adjourn by 3:30 p.m.

Photo: Presenter Bill Lesser, FEMA Headquarters, along with Dean Ownby and Todd Tucker (CRS Symposium 2020)

Photo of Todd Tucker and Dean Ownby in 2020 CRS Workshop

Photo: Dr. Ward Lyles Keynote Presentation (CRS Symposium 2020)

Photo of Dr, Ward Lyles, keynote presenter at 2020 CRS Workshop

Symposium Background


This was a unique event lead by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region VII and was delivered to participants under a partnership with the state hazard mitigation teams, and the lead state agencies for floodplain management. The event improves flood mitigation for regional work surrounding the FEMA Community Rating System (CRS) under the National Flood Insurance Program. 

The Region VII CRS Coordinator has engaged the state floodplain administrators for this symposium to help improve the implementation of flood mitigation efforts creditable in the CRS Program. In bringing together various expert practitioners and speakers for this Symposium, FEMA and FEMA Region VII invited speakers with demonstrated excellence, professionalism, and relevance; noting that the opinions expressed are solely those of the presenter or attendee and do not necessarily represent the views, opinions, policies, or regulatory requirements of the staff, this region, or agency. Nor, are contributions by various speakers to be deemed an endorsement of any kind for any individual, business, or company.

Past Symposiums

Below is a look back at the CRS 2020 Symposium, which was held February 19, 2020 at the FEMA Region VII office in Kansas City, MO. 

Photo: Todd Tucker, FEMA Region VII kicking off the CRS 2020 Symposium with state agencies and communities from across the 4-state area

Photo of Todd Tucker, 2020 CRS Workshop kick-off

Next Year's Workshop

If you have a topic that you would like to present on, you may contact Todd Tucker, FEMA Region VII (email Todd). 


FEMA Community Rating System (CRS)

FEMA NFIP Community Status Book, see who else is in NFIP and CRS, including their CRS Class Level

FEMA CRS Coordinator's Manual (2017)

FEMA Addendum to CRS Coordinator's Manual (2021)

FEMA National Flood Insurance Program


Community Rating System Resources

FEMA Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC)

     FEMA BRIC sub-web pages 

          Mitigation Action Portfolio        

          BRIC Building Code Activities

          BRIC Partnership Activities

          BRIC Project Scoping Activities

          BRIC Mitigation Planning Activities

          BRIC Direct Technical Assistance

          BRIC Technical Criteria

          BRIC Qualitative Criteria

          HMA Cost Share Guide

          FY20 BRIC Notice of Funding Opportunity

FEMA BRIC, how to sign up fo BRIC and HMA updates

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers supports state-led Silver Jackets Teams through its Flood Risk Management Program.